Warlocks have relatively low AoE damage but are one of the best single target damage classes in the game
Warlocks are the personification of a glass cannon, sacrificing their own health to deal significant damage. This can be offset with the correct use of Twisted Font, which is a 'mana shield', absorbing damage at the cost of the players mana. The man you then loose is replenished through the application of Sadism.
Warlocks also bring with them a damage buff to all other casters, whereby their Curse causes the target to suffer 10% additional magic damage.
Attribute points should be spent in approximately a 1 Strength : 4 Intelligence ratio.
Ultimately you want ~750 base Strength and ~2750 base Intelligence in order to achieve 20-25,000 health, Agility and Attack Speed are negligible on a Warlock.
For your familiar skills, you want to invest in the 5% Spell Power buff from Aptitude and your preference of 75 Strength/Intelligence from Gift of Endurance/Wisdom, to achieve the Strength breakpoint above.
At max level, the core setup is / , combined with your choice of Olympian Relic;
Immortal Armor of Hepheastus - This Relic offers survivability, mana regeneration and spell power. Easily the best choice to pull you through the difficult fights when you don't have a dedicated Tank
Searing Flame of Prometheus - Searing Flame provides the best damage output but sacrifices survivability
>>Blanket Disclaimer: You, and every other player will need items from all crafting professions so there is no 'best' profession for any given class. If you are selfishly looking for personal enhancements, Alchemy is the only profession whereby you can't bring items you crafted through to another game, so this might be the best choice on a personal level, but increases dependency on others for crafting<<
While leveling, your priority will be as follows: