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There are a few things to consider when playing a Cleric, and a few things you need to be aware of.

Clerics are the most powerful, and only dedicated healing class in the game. 
The healing effect of
Hallowed Ground does not stack with itself, whether its your own from the Holy Regalia or another players. A player can only be under the effect of one Hallowed Ground at a time, and the strongest takes president, not the most recent.

Due to the strength of the Clerics healing potential, there is a lot of room for variability within your setup, and at later levels you will be prioritizing items that help support and buff the group rather then items to improve your own abilities; Midas' Pendent, Towering Shield, and Hammer of Zeus are prime examples of this.

Attribute points should be spent in approximately a 1 Strength : 1 Agility : 3 Intelligence ratio. 

Ultimately you want ~750 base Strength, ~750 base Agility and ~2000 base Intelligence in order to achieve 20-25,000 health, and ~1100 total agility, as required for 100% uptime on Transcendence.

For your familiar skills, you want to invest in the 5% Spell Power buff from Aptitude and your preference of 75 Strength/Agility/Intelligence from Gift of Endurance/Dexterity/Wisdom, to achieve the Agility and Strength breakpoints above.

At max level, the core setup is                            , combined with your choice of Olympian Relic;

  1.      Towering Shield of Athena - Objectively the best starting relic, incredible damage mitigation, AoE armor buff, and a on-use effect to fully heal and replenish the mana of yourself, and all nearby players. 

  2.    Thundering Hammer of Zeus - Once you're more comfortable healing Hyperion and have some more stats under your belt, this often becomes your go-to relic, as Tanks will often have Towering Shield of Athena for the AoE armor buff anyway. Zeus increases your damage, in-turn increasing your Transcendence healing, whilst increasing the group's damage and reducing your targets armor. 

  3.      Searing Flame of Prometheus - Searing Flame technically does provide the best personal output, however Cleric's healing potential is so strong there is very little point in using this, and you are far better off using items such as Towering Sheild of Athena and Thundering Hammer of Zeus to provide greater group buffs.

>>Blanket Disclaimer: You, and every other player will need items from all crafting professions so there is no 'best' profession for any given class. If you are selfishly looking for personal enhancements, Alchemy is the only profession whereby you can't bring items you crafted through to another game, so this might be the best choice on a personal level, but increases dependency on others for crafting<<




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You receive a 50% rebate when purchasing Books of Skill Increase


While leveling, your priority will be as follows:

Levels 1-50

Level 7

You can upgrade your skills to level 2 at the Book shop in Athens

Level 10

You can now get an additional class skill, Rebirth, which can be dropped from Atlas, Thea or Uranus.

Level 15

You can upgrade your skills to level 3 at the Book shop. Additionally, now would be a good time to hunt for some Oracle's Set pieces      /      , dropped by Rokthul or crafted through professions.

Level 30

You can upgrade your skills to level 4 at the Book shop.
Additionally, you can now access the
High Oracle's Set      /       from Manticor, Goretusk, Gethos, or crafted through professions, and Class set items

Your Class set is made up of 3 items, Robes of Light          and Staff of Light      have a chance to be dropped from the 3rd through 6th titans (Themis, Cronus, Uranus, Rhea), and from Pelias. The Wand of Light       is crafted at Master Metalsmith Heletes, costing 1 Blood Ruby and 1 Lump of Pure Adamantium.

When you have all 3 items in your inventory, you will gain Light Set— Activating Transcendence reduces your other spells' cooldowns by 10 seconds.

Level 40

Now you're level 40, Eris' Golden Apple of Discord      will be a good upgrade, and its use effect can be used from your familiar when you out grow it later! Eris' Golden Apple of Discord      can be dropped from Occeanus, Gaea or Heiros

If you're struggling, you can also search out the Regal Crown       and Crystal Helm       from Cyclopse

Level 45

You can now get the final Delphi Oracle's Set      /       from Heiros or crafted through professions.

You can now upgrade your Regal Crown       and Crystal Helm       to a Regal Helm of Sparkling Crystal       at Metalsmith Arcadios in New Issus if you managed to acquire them.

Level 50

You can upgrade your skills to level 5 at the Book shop.

Another good item you can pickup now would be Priams Scepter       from Aeacus. Even if this item isn't a big upgrade on what you have, it is worth getting as it can be upgraded later on.


Rebirth (F)

Level 1

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Channels the divine for 3 seconds to revive an allied hero with 25% Maximum Health and Mana upon completion. This also refunds 50% of their death penalty. Passive - When slain while rebirth is off cooldown: Rebirth revives you after 3 seconds and goes on cooldown for 180 seconds instead. (This does not cost mana). This effect does not take priority over other sources of auto-revival. Costs 150 mana. 60 second cooldown.

Holy Light (Q)

Level 1

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Heals 200 (+Spell Healing) health to an ally, or deals 100 (+0.75 Spell Damage) magical damage to an enemy. Holy Light is 30% more effective if the target is on Hallowed Ground. Costs 35 mana. 4.5 second cooldown.

Hallowed Ground (W)

Level 1

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Sanctifies a 275 AoE zone which heals for a total of 300 (+Spell Healing) health over 12 seconds. The zone also deals a total of 300 (+Spell Damage) magical damage over 12 seconds. A valid target can only be affected by one instance of Hallowed Ground. Costs 50 mana. 12 second cooldown.

Shield of Faith (E)

Level 1

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Envelops an ally in a spere of divine protection, granting it Stun Immunity and 10% damage reduction for 15 seconds. Costs 75 mana. 20 second cooldown.

Transcendence (R)

Level 1

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Your next Agility / 18 auto-attacks (min. 3) are imbued with divine wrath, dealing an additional 0.15 Spell Damage magical damage. They also heal allies within a 650 AoE for 50% of the initial damage inflicted. Lasts for 16 seconds. Costs 100 mana. 30 second cooldown.

Last updated 19/6/2022 for version 1.39b6

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