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Basic Tips n Tricks

There are a few things many players can overlook the first time they play;

  • Saving Items:
    Only items in your inventory and bank are saved! Any items held by your familiar will not be saved. Players can purchase a bank at level 60 from
    Realtor Cleon in Athens for 25,000 Gold and 2,500 Crafting Materials

  • Leveling Spells and Abilities:
    Tome of Skill Increase - Your abilities can be upgraded at levels 7, 15, 30, 50, 85, 135, and 200.

    You can purchase a Tome of Skill Increase to increase your skill levels at the Book Shop in Athens, with exception to the Tome of Skill Increase - Level 7, which is obtained as a drop from Sphinx at levels +135.

  • Consumables:
    While leveling, consumables are imperative. Mana Potions, Health potions, Scrolls, Ankhs and some basic Alchemist potions can be purchased in Athens. At higher levels you can purchase more powerful potions to aid in your training.

    Scrolls of Speed are a massive staple in this game, giving players near-speed cap without the need for any items.
    The four crafting professions: Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Goldsmithing, and Alchemy can craft Armor plates, Blunting/Sharpening Stones, Ether Dust, and Potions respectively. These can all be a significant help through-out the game.

  • Familiars:
    One of the most important features commonly overlooked is the utilization of the Familiar. Your Familiar can learn abilities from
    Trainer Yegor in Athens. Additionally, any "use" effect items, or consumables can be used from your familiar, and can hold Aura items to affect your hero. 

Level 1-10

Welcome to The Black Road!
Starting out, you will spawn at the
Incursion Point, the starting zone for this game.
First off, pick up the quest
Bounty on Demons from Therin, a repeatable quest to kill 10 demons in this area. 
You're going to want to keep killing Demons, repeating this quest until you reach level 10.
When you feel comfortable, push through the Demon encampment and destroy the Dark Portal for 
The Dark Portal.
Once you have reached level 10, it will be time to move on. Ensure you have picked up !
Trouble in the North, and make your way north to Athens.
Here, you will be able to pick up 1 of 4
crafting professions to help you along your way through-out the game, purchase tomes of skill increase, and purchase equipment and consumables if required.
Once you're done exploring
Athens, take the northern exit and talk to Calliope on the Northern Trail.

Level 10-34

Calioppe will give you the quest Goblin Infestation, complete this by killing a total of 15 Goblins / Goblin Shamans.
Once complete,
Calioppe will grant you access to the repeatable Bounty on Goblins quest.

After level 10, you can attempt the first two Titan's for a chance for them to drop your classes ultimate ability. Titans are intended for a group of players, and the first two, Atlas and Thea are leveled 10 and 15 respectively. If you are not in a group of +3 players, you will likely have to attempt them after you have out leveled them. Additionally, at level 30 you could attempt the 3rd Titan, Themis for a chance at one of your class Regalia set pieces.

Repeated completion of the Bounty on Goblins quest will grant the best experience, gold, and crafting materials until level +34.
If this gets too repetitive, check the
Quest Library for other quests around this level.

Level 34-45

At level 34 head down to Corinth and speak to Tethol for the Minotaur Invaders quest. After completing this quest, you will receive the repeatable Bounty on Minotaur quest. Similar to the goblins, this is the best place to grind levels until level 45. If this gets too repetitive, check the Quest Library for other quests around this level.
Alternatively, if you are looking for an AFK training option, Tuskarr in the
Barbaric Plains are great for this, however they do require that you have killed the third Titan to access the area.

From level 35 onwards you can attempt the quest To The Death for a chance at your class regalia items, note that Nelus and Pelias drop different items, so choose carefully.

Cronus, the 4th Titan is level 40 and can drop another class regalia piece. 
Uranus, the 5th Titan is level 45 and can drop both class regalia pieces, and class ultimate skill books. 

Level 45-56

Venture down to Eretria at level 45 and speak to Artos. After completion of The Crypt, you will receive the Bounty on Undead repeatable quest. The extensive Undead zone is one of the best places in the game for experience. Depending on how difficult you're finding the Undead at the stage, you can kill them in proximity of the quest giver, or as you progress in level and strength, head west to the clusters in the Caverns of Dread for second-equal experience in the game. 
Rhea, the 6th Titan is level 55 and your final chance at your regalia set items.

Level 56-75

Teleport to Locris at level 56 and speak to Phylas for the Centaur Invaders quest. Upon completion, you will be given the Bounty on Centaurs quest. If Ladon has been defeated, this is great experience and one of the best ways in the game to get Crafting Materials. However, if Ladon is alive this method can prove to be significantly slower than the Bounty on Undead quest, or simply killing Undead clusters in the Caverns of Dread.

Oceanus, the 7th Titan in the game is level 70 and can drop your class gemstone, used to forge your 3 class items into one powerful class Regalia. 

Level 75-135

You can now access the Uninvited Guests repeatable quest at the Frozen Citadel. This is the second-best experience in the game due to the repeatable quest itself scaling up experience granted with every completion, capped at 10 completions. That said, the mobs themselves grant similar experience to the Undead in the Caverns of Dread, so if you are unable to clear the Citadel clusters in a timely manner, it may be worth sticking with the Undead, or Centaurs as previously explained. 

Gaea is the 8th and final Titan in the game, offering a chance at your class gemstone.

Level 135-200

If you're daring enough, the Fools Mausoleum has high density mobs which offer an excess of 2,000 experience each! This is the best experience in the game, however they can be difficult to manage on your own. If you, or your team finds them too difficult, stick with previous methods until more manageable. 

Last updated 19/6/2022 for version 1.39b6

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